Broadly Accessible Institutions 
Crisp, G., McClure, K. R., & Orphan, C. M. (Eds.) (2022). Unlocking Opportunity through Broadly Accessible Institutions. Routledge. 

Crisp, G., Horn, C., Kuczynski, M., Zhou, Q., & Cook, E. (2019). Describing and differentiating four-year broad access institutions: An empirical typology. The Review of Higher Education, 42 (4), 1373–1400. DOI: 10.1353/rhe.2019.0069

Crisp, G., Doran, E., & Salis Reyes, N. A. (2017). Predicting graduation rates at 4-year broad access institutions using a Bayesian modeling approach. Research in Higher Education, 59 (2), 133-155. DOI: 10.1007/s11162-017-9459-x

Crisp, G., Carales, V., & Núñez, A. (2016). Where is the research on community college students? Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 40 (6), 767-778. DOI: 10.1080/10668926.2015.1102104

Núñez, A., Crisp, G., & Elizondo, D. (2016). Mapping Hispanic-Serving Institutions: A typology of institutional diversity. The Journal of Higher Education, 87 (1), 55-83. DOI: 0.1353/jhe.2016.0001  

Crisp, G., Horn, C., Dizinno, G., & Wang, D. (2010). Modeling the racial and ethnic implications of admissions policy changes in the pursuit of Tier One status. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 3 (2), 71–84. DOI: 10.1037/a0019675​​
Research Summary​​
Dr. Crisp’s scholarship seeks to identify practices and policies that can reduce inequities in transfer and college outcomes for students enrolled at community colleges and bachelor's granting accessible institutions.  To date, her research has focused on developing a mentoring framework to explain how students experience and receive various forms of mentoring support.  She is particularly  interested in conducting research that supports and uplifts Latinx students and other minoritized students who attend accessible institutions. 

​Select Publications and Presentations

Gloria Crisp

Crisp, G., Baker, V. L., Griffin, K., Lunsford, G. L., & Pifer, M. J. (2017). Mentoring Undergraduate Students. ASHE Higher Education Report Series (AEHE). Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 978-1-119-38217-1

Lunsford, L. G., Crisp, G., Dolan, E., & Wuetherick, B. (2017). Mentoring in Universities. In. D. A. Clutterbuck, F. K. Kochan, L. Lunsford, N. Dominguez, and J. Haddock-Millar (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring. (pp. 316-334). Sage Publishers. ISBN: 9781412962537

Crisp, G. (2010). The impact of mentoring on community college students’ intent to persist. The Review of Higher Education, 34(1), 39-60. DOI: 10.1353/rhe.2010.0003  

Crisp, G. & Cruz, I. (2009). Mentoring college students: A critical review of the literature between 1990 and 2007. Research in Higher Education, 50 (6), 525-545. DOI :10.1007/s11162-009-9130-2    

Crisp, G. (2009). Conceptualization and initial validation of the College Student Mentoring Scale (CSMS). Journal of College Student Development, 50 (2), 177-194. DOI: 10.1353/csd.0.0061​​
​​Equitable Practices and Policies 
Crisp, G., Taggart, A. & Potter, C. (2021). Characteristics and predictors of reverse and lateral transfer from bachelor’s granting institutionsResearch in Higher Education

Crisp, G., Potter, C. Robertson, R., & Carales, V. (2020). Documenting early racial transfer gaps: Empirical and practical implications for transfer partnerships. In D. Bragg, T. Ling, E. Meza, & L. Wetzstein (Eds.), New Directions for Community Colleges: Transfer Partnerships for Improved Equity and Outcomes (pp 55-65). Issue 192 of New Directions for Community College. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  

Crisp, G. (2020). Transfer and articulation agreements. ACE Series on Transfer and Award of Credit: An Overview of Transfer and Articulation Agreements. American Council on Education. 

Jain, D. & Crisp, G. (2018). Creating inclusive and equitable environments for racially minoritized adult learners: Recommendations for research, policy and practice. Report prepared for the ASHE-NITE Report Series, a partnership between the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE), Lumina Foundation, and the National Institute for Transformation and Equity (NITE). 

Crisp, G. & Hatch, D. K. (Eds). (2016). Promising and High-Impact Practices: Student Success Programs in the Community College Context. Special issue of New Directions for Community Colleges. Wiley Periodicals, Inc. ISBN: 978-1-119-31938-2 

Crisp, G., Taggart, A., & Nora, A. (2015). Undergraduate Latina/o students: A systematic review of research identifying factors contributing to academic success outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 85 (2), 249-274. DOI: 10.3102/0034654314551064  ​

Crisp, G., & Núñez, A. (2014). Modeling transfer among minority and non-minority community college students who intend to transfer and earn a 4-year degree. The Review of Higher Education, 37 (3), 291-320. DOI: 10.1353/rhe.2014.0017